Saturday, June 29, 2019

Poem for Saturday and Brookside Flowers

Tarot Readings Daily
By Joy Ladin

They’re reading Tarot cards right now,
in the little pink house with the sign in the yard.
Shadows spider across still-green lawn
whose fate, so far, defies the frosts.

Someone asks the right question,
draws the right card.
Many cups in the immediate future;
radiance pouring down.

They know the future,
the creatures in the yard:
night, thirst, frost.
Only the sapiens in the house believe

fire, water, air, and earth
would bother to reveal
when to fear and love.
The one who’s paying

draws another card.
Outside, in the yard,
a squirrel noses seed that fell
like radiance, from above.


It was a fairly quiet Friday around here -- chores, a bit of work on the Iceland photos, then I went out for a Groudon raid and met what turned out to be a group of middle schoolers who had insisted on waiting because they were watching the women winning in the World Cup and didn't want to miss anything, which made me happy! (Plus I caught a 93 IV Groudon!)

We had dinner with my parents, then came home for Agents of SHIELD plus catch-up on Blood & Treasure and The 100 before this week's Graham Norton with Tom Hanks, Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, and the insufferable Gwyneth Paltrow who claims her famous father kept her completely level-headed. More from Brookside, this time summer flowers in the outdoor garden:









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