Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Greetings from Locust Grove

I have had my most social weekend since February, though it was all socially distanced and masked except when eating. On Sunday, Adam's longtime friend Daniel W dropped by to say hello in the morning, since he's in town visiting his parents; we went for a walk at Cabin John Park, which was not crowded but had some locals hanging around; and we had dinner with Kay and Chris and their family, pizza and Halloween candy outside her house on distanced sling chairs, which was a delight since I've seen her nearly weekly on Zoom but not in person for months! When we got home, we watched a couple of episodes of Away, which gets better as it goes -- I'm really enjoying it. I still haven't uploaded most of my photos from this weekend, but here are a few from the park today, where we saw many deer!

2020-09-07 16.36.51

2020-09-07 16.36.29

2020-09-07 16.20.24

2020-09-07 16.22.30

2020-09-07 16.23.57

2020-09-07 16.27.09

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