Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Poem for Wednesday and Brookside Turtles

By Ron Padgett

I’ve just written six
or seven short poems
in about half an hour,
in a cabin
on a pond
with raindrops.
Maybe I should
just sit here
for a while, let
some time pass
so my wife will think
I’ve been working hard.

See that?
Some time just went past
but so quietly
you might have missed it.
Then it morphed
into the sky.
Look, another one!
It came out
of my wristwatch
and slipped away.


I had a fairly calm Tuesday which did not involve getting the laundry folded. I did a bunch of work with photos, took a nice walk in the nice weather, and in the evening I got to celebrate Star Trek's anniversary with a Zoom call with several awesome women I met because of Voyager and Captain Janeway, so that was great and I'm hoping we can make it a regular thing and watch some episodes together!

Evening TV after leftovers for dinner was more Away, which becomes increasingly soap operatic as it goes but that's fine, I'm more in the mood for a crew family drama than hard sci-fi with people dying in space anyway and I like the characters. Adam thinks he has found a place to live in Seattle! From Brookside with the Duehrings last weekend, some of the many turtles we saw, including snappers:








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