Saturday, May 29, 2021

Greetings from Discovery Park

I have had a lovely but extremely tiring day that involved bagels at Adam and Katherine's house before walking the 4.4 miles of the trail at Discovery Park through the woods and down the cliffs to the beach, where we saw herons, crabs, and lots of anemones but no seals, plus a visit to Ballard Locks, where so many boats were headed through that the bridges to the fish ladder (probably pretty empty at this time of year) were closed. 

Then we picked up Katsu Burgers and milkshakes for dinner (honey miso mustard and green tea for me respectively) and hung out for a couple of hours at Adam's before coming back to our hotel to watch cooking shows with Daniel. It was my dad's birthday, and while we only talked to him for a few minutes, we also did some of the worst family singing in history recorded for him. I'm falling asleep over the keyboard, so more tomorrow! 

2021-05-28 13.49.33 

Discovery Park, the start of the Loop Trail 

2021-05-28 14.00.41 

High above the beach 

2021-05-28 14.22.50 

Puget Sound at low tide 

2021-05-28 14.43.28 

Happy place at the beach, surrounded by anemones 


2021-05-28 15.05.05 

West Point Lighthouse 

2021-05-28 17.12.28 

At Ballard Chittenden Locks (fish ladder blocked by lots of boats passing through) 

2021-05-28 20.53.42 

Back at Adam's house with Katsu Burgers and milkshakes for dinner with Katherine who had to work and missed the adventuring

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