Sunday, May 30, 2021

Greetings from Snoqualmie

We had another delightful busy day on Saturday starting again by meeting Daniel to go have bagels at Adam's house. Then we drove out toward Snoqualmie, stopping on the way to visit Julia, who is the older sister of Daniel Wigle, Adam's best friend from elementary school. Julia had a baby a few weeks ago (we got to meet her before her grandparents did, which I feel a little guilty about!) and lives at a Girl Scout camp near lovely wilderness. Since her kids aren't fully vaccinated, we hung out in her backyard and met her cats and rabbit. 

Then we headed out to the spectacular Snoqualmie Falls, which had a crowded parking lot but plenty of space on the bridge and paths, plus the flowers and regional delicacy store at Salish Lodge. Back at Adam's house, we shared cheese with Pepper and played Sushi Go before dinner -- we had Indian food delivered from Namasthe, which was excellent -- then we left Katherine and Adam to go running and walk the dog while we returned downtown and watched cooking shows with Daniel at his apartment for a while. More tomorrow! 

2021-05-29 15.22.58A

2021-05-29 15.31.14

2021-05-29 14.30.54

2021-05-29 14.03.46

2021-05-29 13.58.27

2021-05-29 17.56.12

2021-05-29 17.56.08

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