Monday, January 24, 2022

Greetings from Mason Neck

Sunday here was a practically balmy 35 degrees -- lower with the wind chill, but felt warm after last week -- so after a bunch of chores and a quick lunch, we drove the 45 minutes to Mason Neck to the Elizabeth Hartwell Wildlife Refuge. We saw a hermit thrush on a stump as soon as we started the woods path to the river, where many trees and branches were down from ice, and the partially frozen Potomac was full of mallards, black ducks, and the tundra swans that winter in the park. There was a guy with a telescope who spotted an eagle while I was trying to see whether the beavers would come out of their lodge. 







2022-01-23 14.23.33 

We had to drop the car off because the service light has been on, so we came home and retrieved the van to drive back. Then we watched the end of the Rams-Tampa Bay game, which was an unexpected pleasure (sorry not sorry, Tom Brady), and the beginning of the Bills-Chiefs game, which we then interrupted for the season premiere of Billions, which loses a lot of energy without its Axe to grind but I'll give it a couple of episodes (the yet-another Peloton heart attack alone endeared me to it, heh). I'm not particularly sorry Kansas City beat Buffalo because I was planning to root for the Bengals either way next weekend. 


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