Saturday, February 12, 2022

Greetings from Cabin John Park

Tonight my excuse for being quick is we're bingeing Peacemaker (we're watching episode seven, I think there's one more next week?). Friday was an absolutely gorgeous day, weather in the 60s, I took one walk around the neighborhood to see the daffodil shoots and snowdrops here, then when Paul was done with work meetings, we went to Cabin John Park to see if the crocuses were up yet (they were not, but there were lots of snowdrops there too). 

I also fought with my computer which hates the Windows update, uploaded a lot of photos, watched mixed team snowboard cross, and tried to keep up with the lunacy surrounding Valieva for whom I feel very sorry. Obviously this is on her coach and trainer, but she and her team must be disqualified for the reasons they're called the ROC and not the Russian team, and I suspect Putin actually wants us hating her instead of him when he invades Ukraine. 

2022-02-11 17.09.42


2022-02-11 17.09.03


2022-02-11 17.09.25

2022-02-11 17.09.21A

2022-02-11 17.24.09

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