Friday, February 11, 2022

Greetings from Wheaton

Another quickie tonight because I was reading all the analysis of Valieva and the ITA -- Alysa Liu is only a few months older than Valieva, I don't care how sorry anyone feels for Valieva and blames her coach, how is it fair to penalize Liu and others because the adults around them did NOT give them drugs to give her the same advantages the Russian skaters have and let Valieva stay? When it was a young black athlete with pot, which is not a performance-enhancing drug, they wouldn't even let her in the Olympic Village. 

I watched some skiing and snowboarding, caught up on The Gilded Age (pretty but so, so predictable) and Snowpiercer (not pretty but so gutsy), got help from a neighbor with squirrel I mean bird feeders, enjoyed the gorgeous weather, was arrested by the Gazpacho Police for liking it lukewarm, chatted with fannish friends, caught some of the new flower Pokemon released for Valentine's Day...and meanwhile older son was moving into his new house in Seattle! Here's some of the wildlife we saw at Brookside Gardens: 







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