Saturday, October 22, 2022

Greetings for Pumpkin Season

Friday was another gorgeous cool day, perfect for walking, so I spent most of my time doing that and listening to Taylor Swift's new album, the Target bonus tracks, and the 3 a.m. bonus tracks (which of course I wasn't awake when she announced, but now I know next time not to order the digital album until all the extended versions have dropped!). Midnights sound is more Lover than Folklore, the album that made me a fan as opposed to a casual listener, but it's also angsty and super gay-themed so of course I love it. 

 We had dinner with my parents, looked over some genealogy stuff, watched most of the Phillies victory over the Padres, this week's very good episode of Andor (Cassian's mom rocks and I am also Team Mon Mothma, unlike her teenager), and now the first two episodes of The Peripheral, which is very violent but very nicely visually conceived and well-acted. Everyone who visits Cox Farms' harvest festival gets to take home a little pumpkin, and there are pumpkin decorations all around the grounds and in the farm store: 







2022-10-16 14.19.50

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