Sunday, October 23, 2022

Greetings from South Mountain

Quickie after a gorgeous Saturday that we spent on and around South Mountain. Our planned first stop, Gambrill State Park for lunch, was inaccessible by the usual roads so we ended up deciding to skip it, and instead we brought our picnic to Washington Monument State Park, ate at the picnic tables down by the play equipment, then hiked up across the Appalachian Trail to the monument and went up to see the raptors (though we saw far more ladybugs)! Then we went to Gathland State Park, whose museum was open, a rarity in our experience, including a building with Civil War artifacts that we had never seen. There were also ladybugs all over the war correspondents' memorial there. 

After avoiding geese in the road and wild turkeys heading into a cornfield, we ended up at South Mountain Creamery, which had live music and hayrides to a pumpkin patch and was therefore more crowded than usual when we went to visit the cows and goats and to buy ice cream. We stopped at Giant on the way home, watched the glorious ends of the Maryland-Northwestern game and the Astros-Yankees game, took a break to watch The Girl King, which was a little slow getting started but well acted and generally enjoyable, and then caught up with the Phillies as they caught up, plus we checked the Washington-California game and got to hear Marshawn Lynch drop a lot of swear words live. 

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