Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Poem for Tuesday and Lunar New Year

Chinese New Year
By Wang Anshi

The old year has passed amidst the sound of firecrackers,
and the spring breeze wafts its warm breath in the Tusu wine.
While the rising sun shines on thousands of houses,
New peach wood charms are put up to replace the old.  

Note: I don't read Chinese, so this is a mashup of several different translations of this poem that I found on the internet. 


I had my annual GYN appointment after lunch on Monday, and of course it ended up taking most of the afternoon, though it was pretty routine. It was otherwise an uneventful chore day, though we did go walk in the park in the early evening, and I watched some more Lord of the Rings with Kristen. 

We had tomato soup and lebneh for dinner, caught this week's Fantasy Island, and I mostly finished a silly project I've had in the works since early in the pandemic, so that feels like an accomplishment. Here are some more pictures from the Lunar New Year festivities at the mall yesterday: 

2023-01-22 14.11.34

2023-01-22 14.24.50A

2023-01-22 14.02.45

2023-01-22 14.27.26

2023-01-22 13.51.21

2023-01-22 14.55.59

2023-01-22 14.59.20

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