Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Poem for Wednesday and Meadowside Birds of Prey

I Went to a Wishing Well
By Kenn Nesbitt

I went to a wishing well,
tossed in a penny,
and made a few wishes.
In fact, I made many.

I wished I were famous.
I wished I could fly.
I wished I were rich,
and a rock star or spy.

I wished for a robot
to do all my chores,
a dog that could talk,
and a few dinosaurs.

I wished for a dragon
and unicorn too.
Regrettably, none of
my wishes came true.

I made lots of wishes
but didn’t get any.
I guess, these days,
wishes cost more than a penny.


Tuesday was a chore day so I have nothing much exciting to report unless you want to hear my concerns about whether I can actually wash the sewn-in-padding bras in the washing machine same as the removable-pad bras. I didn't watch the Oscar nominations live because I didn't care enough, and now that I have seen them, I care even less -- I'm happy for Yeoh, Curtis, and Bassett, but I'm not rooting for Frasier in a fat suit and you couldn't pay me to see Banshees of Severed Anatomy. Paul had an eye doctor appointment, and while he was gone, I sold my full set of Lord of the Rings action figures and my remaining four Star Trek 12" figures to someone from Facebook Marketplace, so that feels like an accomplishment (people keep trying to get me to sell them the collectible Barbies for much less than they're worth by claiming they're going to give them to poor children, and I'm keeping all of the LOTR Barbies and Kens). 

My Voyager group watched "Counterpoint" -- if only Janeway had gloated at the end! As for White Lotus season 2, things I learned: 1) Straight men are dogs. Even the nice ones turn out to be DIRTY DOGS. 2) Gay men really hate women, HATE them: Beware the gays, they will murder you without a second thought. 3) The best way to keep a marriage going is to cheat a lot -- it's natural for men (see above) and women are designed to forgive as long as they get occasional good sex. 4) Really the best plan for a woman is to be a prostitute -- STDs don't really exist, pimps are fakes to empower you, you'll have lots of fun sex with lovely men and women who aren't interested in exploiting you and always end up paying in the end, so you'll end up comfortable or even rich. 5) All of this only applies to white people; black people are smart enough not to factor into this drama in any way (except on SNL, hilariously). Raptors at Meadowside Nature Center: 

2023-01-14 14.27.39A

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2023-01-14 14.28.32


  1. For a brief moment I thought you meant velociraptors. Great pics though!

  2. Sadly no velociraptors! These are all non-releasable local birds injured in accidents. Thanks! Pics were with my new phone which I was testing!
