Sunday, March 26, 2023

Greetings from the Basement

It rained all day Saturday, and I never left the house -- I spent the entire day going through four file drawers in the basement containing papers not modified since we moved into this house, some of which go back to elementary school days (mimeographs of guitar songs from Mrs. Reese's class, for those whom I knew back then). I found some hilarious treasures, I discovered that my Western Civilization teacher always gave me A- grades on otherwise A+ papers because he thought my handwriting was too messy, and I found about 200 articles on Anjelica Huston from when I was writing a paper on her in grad school. 

We watched the Maryland women win and a bunch of the men's games in the background, and now we are now spending the evening watching the last three episodes of Daisy Jones & the Six, which I am absolutely loving and don't want to end since I'm pretty sure there can't be a second season. Since we saw no sun or flowers today, here are some photos from earlier in the week around the neighborhood. 

2023-03-16 17.09.42

2023-03-22 18.50.25

2023-03-22 18.50.16

2023-03-16 17.48.00

2023-03-16 17.22.44

2023-03-22 18.44.11

2023-03-22 19.27.08

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