Monday, March 27, 2023

Greetings from the National Cherry Blossom Festival

Sunday was a spectacularly beautiful, nearly-70-degree day. Cheryl drove up here early in the morning so we could all go to the cherry blossom festival, where the blossoms started peaking at the end of last week. Fortunately we had a parking reservation, because tens of thousands of other people had the same idea! The blossoms were gorgeous, we ate lunch at a picnic table near one of the festival stages listening to a barbershop group, there were ducks and geese in the Tidal Basin, and the Blossom Kite Festival was going on around the Washington Monument, so we also saw lots of spectacular kites. 

We walked through the Floral Library tulips and the colorful gardens behind the Smithsonian Castle on the way back to the car. We thought about getting ice cream at a truck downtown, but we decided it would be better at The Scoop back home, so we drove back and got that. I gave Cheryl a bunch of fannish stuff I'd been planning to recycle otherwise to distribute to friends, she drove home, Paul and I had Thai basil tofu and peanut noodles, we watched a bit of basketball, then we watched the second episode of this season's Sanditon and the first of the new season of Succession

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2023-03-26 14.12.20

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