Monday, July 03, 2023

Greetings from Alki Beach

We got up and out fairly early for a Sunday so that we could be at Alki Beach at low tide. We had heard that the tide pools there were amazing, but having seen the ones at Mukilteo and Picnic Point, I wasn't sure how much better these could be. They were spectacular -- in addition to hundreds of sea stars and anemones straining to stay in the water as the tide went out, we saw sea cucumbers, chitons, midshipman fish, crabs, limpets, nudibranchs, barnacles, a moon snail, and all manner of seaweed and sea slugs. It was a glorious low-70s day with views of the mountain from the beach, and afterward we walked to the Alki Surf Shop with views of the Statue of Liberty and the Space Needle. 

2023-07-02 11.19.24

2023-07-02 11.21.00

2023-07-02 10.44.16

2023-07-02 11.07.29

2023-07-02 10.53.47

2023-07-02 11.40.18

2023-07-02 12.59.35 

We came home for lunch, partly because we were still full from eating a lot the day before and partly because we had dinner plans. My parents had sent an anniversary gift basket so we had plenty of snacks! After doing some stuff around the apartment including unrolling a new rug for the second bedroom, we went to meet my friend Melissa at Cafe Veloce in Kirkland. I have known her for decades -- we met online because of Star Trek: Voyager when she was so young I'm glad I didn't know at the time her exact age or I'd have felt funny, then met in person when she was living in Maryland, and she's been near Seattle for years. Now we're watching the series finale of Endeavour, of course heartbreaking.

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