Monday, May 20, 2024

Greetings from Around Green Lake

We had gorgeous weather return on Sunday, 60s and partly cloudy with periods of intense sunlight. Our morning was pretty quiet -- we did computer stuff while watching the Orioles beat the Mariners -- then we ate lunch, and we were about to go to Redmond Town Center for Pokemon Community Day when Daniel messaged to say he and Cahaya had had brunch at a diner and were taking their dogs to different parks because Theo was causing some trouble. So we met Daniel and walked around Green Lake with him and Thandi, seeing ducks, turtles, goslings, and many other dogs, before a quick stop at the PCC and his house.

2024-05-19 15.21.41

2024-05-19 14.51.06

2024-05-19 16.10.35

2024-05-19 14.41.39B

2024-05-19 14.53.17

2024-05-19 16.47.49

2024-05-19 13.55.18 

I spent a little while evolving Bounsweet into Tsareena with High Jump Kick while watching baseball; we ate some of the lebneh we got at the PCC with hummus and Persian chick'n for dinner; then we watched The Great Wall because Paul wanted to see it and thought it had dragons. In fact, it has all the white savior problems I'd been warned about and there are no dragons, just something akin to wargs, so there are just as many warg battles as in The Hobbit movies, and you know how I feel about those. Now we're watching Interview with the Vampire, which is finally in Paris and sumptuous and dark and creepily delightful.

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