Sunday, May 19, 2024

Greetings from Around Redmond

We had drizzle on and off on Saturday but we still had a lovely day. Adam and Haley wanted to go climbing, so we had lunch with them at Crossroads Bellevue, looked at clothes in the Indian wedding store (I have been invited to wear Indian formalwear to Haley's sister Solveig's wedding in December, but I suspect I am going to pick something I can also wear to one of Daniel's wedding events next year), then we took Pepper to Marymoor for a walk while they went to the climbing gym. 

After the Orioles had been defeated by the Mariners, which we watched when we took Pepper back home to warm up, we met Adam and Haley in Redmond Town Center, where we snacked at Kitanda -- not really hungry enough after sharing pho and Indian food for lunch -- and sent them off with Pepper. We just finished watching Damsel, which I had heard wasn't great, and it was quite dark and a bit predictable, but it had lots of girl power and a non-wicked stepmother, so I enjoyed it.

2024-05-18 12.45.10

2024-05-18 14.08.20

2024-05-18 13.47.42

2024-05-18 15.13.12

2024-05-18 15.44.49

2024-05-18 15.33.08

2024-05-18 18.37.08

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