Saturday, May 25, 2024

Greetings from Fremont

Quickie after an evening with my family, including both my kids and parents, the latter of whom we picked up at SeaTac this afternoon and took to Adam's apartment before going to meet Daniel at Cafe Turko, along with Cahaya and Haley. Earlier Paul and I did a bunch of chores and went to Trader Joe's and Safeway, both of which have lots of flowers for sale. 

Adam gave me belated Mother's Day presents, including a glass bird and Taylor Swift Mad Libs, and we ate a lot of Mediterranean food, including four kinds of hummus, dolmas, two kinds of eggplant, pides, and baklava. We got back late and watched this week's Doctor Who, which was weirdly devoid of the brand new Doctor, and now we're watching the not-very-good Atlas.

2024-05-24 16.35.35

2024-05-24 16.43.56

2024-05-24 17.15.12

2024-05-24 17.15.21

2024-05-24 17.35.59

2024-05-24 18.49.52

2024-05-24 19.03.26A

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