Sunday, May 26, 2024

Greetings from Volunteer Park

We picked up my parents from their hotel and brought them back to our apartment for bagels and a walk on the dock to show them the goslings, herons, and turtles, then we drove to Volunteer Park to meet the kids at the Seattle Asian Art Museum. After visiting the galleries there -- some amazing ancient pieces thousands of years old from many regions and cultures of Asia, arranged thematically rather than by era or nation -- we walked a bit among the rhododendrons and park ducks. 

Then we went to Adam's apartment for an hour to drink tea, eat M&Ms, and relax with Pepper, who couldn't decide whether she wanted to hide under a blanket or try to steal food. At dinnertime, we went to meet Daniel and Cahaya at the Greek restaurant Mykonos, where we ate lots of tyrokafteri, tzatziki, Greek potatoes, and a wide variety of entrees. Afterward, we took my parents back to their hotel and came home to feed our cats and watch some X-Men '97. There was a beaver in the lake this evening!

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