Monday, May 27, 2024

Greetings from Seattle Center

We met our kids at the Portage Bay Cafe in Green Lake for brunch with and courtesy of my parents, where we had assorted eggs, potatoes, pancakes, and piles of fruit and nuts from the toppings bar. Then we went to Daniel's house so my parents could see it (and meet the dogs). Cahaya had some chores to do, but the rest of us drove to Seattle Center, where the Northwest Folklife Festival was taking place with lots of music, food vendors, and crafts on display. We walked through the festival to the International Fountain to take photos. 

But our main reason for being downtown was to visit the stunning displays at Chihuly Garden and Glass, which had a lot of guests, yet didn't feel overcrowded, so we were able to take a lot of great photos. In the late afternoon, Adam and Haley went home to walk Pepper. The rest of us got sodas at the Armory with Daniel before bringing my parents to our apartment for bagels. After we dropped them off at their hotel, we watched this week's Interview With the Vampire and the end of X-Men '97, both very enjoyable since I'm flexible with canon.

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2024-05-26 12.52.52

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