Monday, July 22, 2024

Greetings from Fremont

Sunday dawned overcast with some spitting rain, but that did not stop us from picking up Adam and Haley to go to Constellation Park, where the tide was extremely low, making it a great morning for tidepool viewing. After seeing many sea stars, anemones, snails, crabs, chitons, sea cucumbers, and other beach life -- even a bunny on the way to the shore -- we went to Cactus for brunch, then walked to the other side of Alki Point to the Alki Art Fair, where we looked at paintings and crafts before heading back to Adam's apartment to walk Pepper. 

It was probably our last time walking Pepper in Seattle, as we spent the afternoon preparing to take Adam, Haley, and Pepper to the airport to fly to New England to move her things to Ohio, while his things will ship in a couple of weeks. While they packed, I caught Tynamo for Pokemon Community Day and read the awesome Kamala Harris memes, which was the best way to process Biden dropping out of the race. We had cake belatedly for Adam's birthday, gave him a few presents, took some perishables, and got home from dropping them off at SeaTac around 10 p.m. 

2024-07-21 11.20.46

2024-07-21 11.33.11

2024-07-21 12.58.18

2024-07-21 14.10.03

2024-07-21 14.32.23

2024-07-21 17.16.35

2024-07-21 21.07.43

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