Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Poem for Monday and Snoqualmie Bear

Furry Bear 
By A.A. Milne 

If I were a bear,
And a big bear too,
I shouldn't much care
If it froze or snew;
I shouldn't much mind
If it snowed or friz--
I'd be all fur-lined
With a coat like his!

For I'd have fur boots and a brown fur wrap,
And brown fur knickers and a big fur cap.
I'd have a fur muffle-ruff to cover my jaws.
And brown fur mittens on my big brown paws.
With a big brown furry-down up to my head,
I'd sleep all the winter in a big fur bed.


I was having a good Monday until half an hour ago when my phone fell out of my pocket as I was carrying recycling down the steps and crashed on the concrete walkway below -- the screen is shattered and the back is cracked, so it is pretty unusable, and I'm going to Oregon this weekend and it would have been really nice to have a working phone with a decent camera. I got a lovely late anniversary gift, an egg chair swing, which is set up on the deck, which is now free of mud dauber wasps, which were building nests at the top until the maintenance company for our apartment complex knocked them down. 

Adam and Haley have arrived in New England and he got yet another day of birthday celebrations with her family. Meanwhile, we had gorgeous weather, high 60s and breezy, so I found excuses to walk to the mailbox and office. We saw ducks and otters in the evening after eagles and geese in the afternoon when we walked on the dock. In between, we watched most of the Deadpool red carpet premiere interviews, then most of the Mariners-Angels game, which started well but ended badly for Seattle. Here are photos I keep meaning to post of the bear we saw from the chair lift and Summit at Snoqualmie: 

2024-07-06 13.58.39A

2024-07-06 13.49.15A

2024-07-06 13.54.03

2024-07-06 13.54.56

2024-07-06 13.58.46

2024-07-06 13.55.58

2024-07-06 13.58.43

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