Sunday, September 22, 2024

Greetings from Everett

We got a late start on Saturday -- I'm still feeling jetlagged, and we still have piles of chores to get done -- but it was a gorgeous day, and in the afternoon we went to Everett, which is always a pretty drive through farms and wine country. We visited Funko HQ, always a very fun place (and the Star Wars and Marvel sections are reopened), to get Daniel a Funko of himself with his dogs for his birthday. 

Then we stopped at Safeway to pick up flowers and a chocolate mousse cake and went to Cahaya's parents' house where Cahaya cooked dinner for all of us with his help (three dishes involving butternut squash, all of which were excellent). It's also always fun hanging out with the five dogs! Now we're watching the first episode of Moonflower Murders, the sequel to the enjoyable Magpie Murders.

2024-09-21 20.29.40

2024-09-21 18.23.11

2024-09-21 19.55.06

2024-09-21 19.54.56

2024-09-21 20.13.49

2024-09-21 20.03.48

2024-09-21 daniel birthday cake

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