Sunday, November 19, 2017

Poem for Sunday, Spider-Man, Family and Cats

Lineage Is Its Own Religion
By Jennifer Militello

I was an apostle to the group of you, strangers
who had known me since I was born. I ate
of your flesh. I drank of your blood. Sipped
the elixir of your moods. Put the remainders
in the tabernacle, wiped the goblet clean with
a cloth. The crosses branded into the wafers
were your voices branded onto my heart.
I heard you live forever. I heard you rise.
The bones of you yield to the memory of flesh,
and we count our blessings and also bless.
We are bright in anticipation of death,
we are living like fissures and set against waste,
and the taste is bitter, left in our mouths.
I am dying, I am dead, lord of the losses, lord
of the faith. I take each breath and my chest
expands. Now I stand knee deep in the muck
unable to move, and if I dip my hands in,
they will fill with bracken and all the thickness
of each formless face, kicking up stones,
until you are gone, mythic lisp the lips
shape. One day, you vanish like a flash.
Confessions in a dark room. Firmaments to read
and spin like dice. I genuflect twice at the edge
of your pews. I kiss the book for you. This is what
the word of family can do. Sit at the round table.
Break bread. In the beginning, the loveless
made the world and saw that it was good.


Daniel is here! We spent the morning doing some cleaning to get ready for him, which included some spray painting and some ceiling hooks as well as some laundry, and then went to pick him up at Dulles. He had eaten lunch late, so we called my parents to see if they wanted to have dinner with us and they ended up taking us to the Original Pancake House.

Daniel had not seen Spider-Man: Homecoming and we just got it on disc last week, so we watched and very much enjoyed that -- fits in with my Marvel-themed week -- and appropriately we are now watching Saturday Night Live's hilarious skit about Batman using excessive force in non-white neighborhoods. Here are some pics of my cats, Daniel, Paul, and parents:







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