Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Poem for Wednesday, Cathedral, Superhero TV

Tell Me Not Here, It Needs Not Saying
By A.E. Housman

Tell me not here, it needs not saying,
What tune the enchantress plays
In aftermaths of soft September
Or under blanching mays,
For she and I were long acquainted
And I knew all her ways.

On russet floors, by waters idle,
The pine lets fall its cone;
The cuckoo shouts all day at nothing
In leafy dells alone;
And traveller’s joy beguiles in autumn
Hearts that have lost their own.

On acres of the seeded grasses
The changing burnish heaves;
Or marshalled under moons of harvest
Stand still all night the sheaves;
Or beeches strip in storms for winter
And stain the wind with leaves.

Possess, as I possessed a season,
The countries I resign,
Where over elmy plains the highway
Would mount the hills and shine,
And full of shade the pillared forest
Would murmur and be mine.

For nature, heartless, witless nature,
Will neither care nor know
What stranger’s feet may find the meadow
And trespass there and go,
Nor ask amid the dews of morning
If they are mine or no.


Swiped from Easter, originally from The Poetry Archive.

It was a drizzly but otherwise nice Tuesday. I had a whole pile of work to do -- and actually finished it! -- and in the late afternoon Paul and I went out to do a bit of shopping (kitty litter, shampoo, and we had a bunch of Kohl's bucks that we needed to use before they expired).

After dinner we watched the first episode of The Flash, which was okay -- pretty cardboard characters, especially the women, backstory full of every superhero cliche -- but just because it kept its sense of humor, I liked it better than Gotham. And, to tell the truth, better than the Agents of SHIELD episode that came afterward, in which it became even more apparent that we're getting some perverse iteration of the Buffy/Spike redemption arc in Skye/Ward, except Brett Dalton is no James Marsters and Skye is SO VERY MUCH no Buffy.

Here are some more photos from National Cathedral, including the north rose window, the 'Space Window' with a piece of moon rock presented by Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the tributes to Washington and Churchill, and some of the fiberglass sculptures from Amen: A Prayer for the World.

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