Sunday, May 03, 2015

Poem for Sunday, Lake Whetstone, Age of Ultron

Songs of a Girl
By Mary Carolyn Davies


God, planting Eden,
Dropped, by mistake, a seed
In Time's neighbor-plot,
That grew to be
This hour?


You and I picked up Life and looked at it curiously;
We did not know whether to keep it for a plaything or not.
It was beautiful to see, like a red firecracker,
And we knew, too, that it was lighted.
We dropped it while the fuse was still burning ...


I am going to die too, flower, in a little while--
Do not be so proud.


The sun is dying
On an island
In the bay.

Close your eyes, poppies--
I would not have you see death.
You are so young!


The sun falls
Like a drop of blood
From some hero.

Who love pain,
Delight in this.


I have had a really awesome Saturday! We went to Lake Whetstone in Gaithersburg, where in addition to lots of flowering trees and bushes and red-winged blackbirds and finches, we saw geese with goslings, ducks with ducklings, green and great blue herons, turtles, frogs, and the sheep and llama on the farm behind the lake:

Then we went to see The Avengers: Age of Ultron with Heather, Sharkie, and several other fans. I loved it, maybe even more than the first -- less disaster porn than I was expecting and more of my favorite characters (plenty of Natasha, Maria, Bruce, and Steve, less Tony snark and no Pepper, heh).

After the movie, we all went to Tara Thai, then we came home and watched Ruffalo, Renner, and Olsen teasing each other on The Graham Norton Show. Now we're watching this week's Outlander, which is extremely women's novelish this week (women talk husbands and babies, men talk ruffians and local politics).

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