Saturday, January 02, 2016

Poem for Saturday, Virginia Science, Lewis Ginter

To an Old Square Piano
By Robinson Jeffers

Whose fingers wore your ivory keys
So thin—as tempest and tide-flow
Some pearly shell, the castaway
Of indefatigable seas
On a low shingle far away—
You will not tell, we cannot know.

Only, we know that you are come,
Full of strange ghosts melodious
The old years forget the echoes of,
From the ancient house into our home;
And you will sing of old-world love,
And of ours too, and live with us.

Sweet sounds will feed you here: our woods
Are vocal with the seawind’s breath;
Nor want they wing-borne choristers,
Nor the ocean’s organ-interludes.
—Be true beneath her hands, even hers
Who is more to me than life or death.


We spent New Year's Day in Richmond with Adam and Cheryl, first at India K'Raja, then at the Science Museum of Virginia, then at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. At the museum, we got to pet a snake, watch rats play basketball, test our balance and sense of hearing, see a planetarium show in which Neil deGrasse Tyson explained dark energy, and visit Alien Worlds and Androids where we got to hang out with R2-D2, C-3PO, Iron Man, and several other movie stars.

At the gardens, we got to see Richmond as a model train display, walk under rainbows, visit an undersea garden exhibit, and look at thousands of holiday lights. We missed a big chunk of The Abominable Bride while driving home so I'm looking to see when Sherlock repeats. Hope everyone is having a nice New Year's weekend so far!

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