Sunday, October 25, 2020

Greetings from South Mountain

Saturday was a perfect fall day, especially in the vicinity of South Mountain, where we spent the whole afternoon. It was windy at Gambrill State Park on top of High Knob and there were a surprising number of people, but the leaves were gorgeous. There were even more people at Washington Monument State Park even though the monument itself was closed to visitors -- there was a boy scout camping group in the lower park and lots of Appalachian Trail hikers on top of the mountain. Gathland, too, had a nearly full parking lot. Oddly, the place we went with the fewest people was South Mountain Creamery, which was keeping people out of the calf barn to encourage social distancing. 

2020-10-24 14.50.21


2020-10-24 15.35.08

2020-10-24 16.08.44

2020-10-24 16.25.27

2020-10-24 16.46.53 

We drove home through Middletown listening to some surprising Big 10 football results -- Rutgers beat Michigan State, really? Then we went to my parents' house for dinner and watched the awesome end of the Indiana-Penn State game over Thai food. We saw comparatively little of the Maryland game because it was so embarrassing -- we put on Skate America, which was more exciting than the World Series until the Dodgers apparently decided they wanted to extend the series with the Rays, a ninth inning we missed because of Saturday Night Live which really needs to bring back the Fake Village People for protest songs every week -- Adele's skits were merely okay, even the Bachelor parody.

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