Thursday, March 23, 2017

Poem for Thursday, Doctor Strange, C&O Canal

Moon Missing
By Allan Peterson

I was so worried the hickory I recognized
had died from salt burn in the last hurricane
I may have passed by vervain and apple haw
like they didn’t matter, but this spring
it put out seven shoots from its base.
Still, the oldest trick is the moon missing,
then the “new” moon appears,
though we know it’s the old one, and we pretend
to be taken in like the mother or baby
behind the bath towel.
Really it’s the moon winking,
being the stone that holds stones and now footprints.
And when I tell Frances, I see she is a moon
motionless in the doorway, skin reflecting
a lamp, a face that awakens on paper.


Maddy worked early and Adam had plans for lunch and hiking with a friend from school, so Paul and I did chores, had lunch together, and went for a walk in the park where there are now buttercups instead of crocuses and light green leaves coming in to replace sickly brownish flowers on the trees. I spent the rest of the afternoon screaming at PayPal and Groupon on the phone (warning: Groupon will try to refund non-delivered items with Groupon Bucks, pretending they can't refund PayPal purchases).

Adam and Maddy came home for dinner (homemade deep-dish pizza), and Christine, who had been at the beach with her parents, came to visit. She had not seen Doctor Strange, which we just got on Blu-Ray, so we watched the movie plus the deleted scenes and gag reel -- we all agreed that the deleted scenes had some fairly important character moments that established why we should care about Strange and why Kaecilius was evil. Here are some animals we saw yesterday along the C&O Canal:

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