Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Poem for Tuesday, Logan, Château de Puivert

Time has disappeared
By Aurélia Lassaque
Translated from Occitan by James Thomas

Time has disappeared
Into the air-tracks
Where a young girl's face,
Bird without body,
Takes flight.
From her eyes a black pearl
Escapes to Icaria sky.
She's daughter to oblivion
That bequeathed her
A morsel of moonless night,
Left on her lips.
She'll never touch earth
She'll never tease the stone
Nor the trees
Nor the waters that confound them.
She married an illusion
That vanished in the wind.


The sky is currently falling, which is kind of a relief -- after days of warnings that led to lots of changes and cancellations, including my own plans, at least the storm has turned out to be a real thing -- but it means we're going to have a quiet Tuesday. We decided to get out while we could on Monday afternoon to see Logan, which was superbly acted, easily my favorite of the Wolverine films and in my top 3 X-Men movies overall, but the violence was pretty extreme, not on a grand scale like X3 or DOFP with cities collapsing but up close and very personal and bloody. Small spoilers: I was sorry they didn't tell us what happened to most of the X-Men -- did Charles kill Ororo and Jean in the Westchester Incident? -- and I really expected X-24 to be the one to save the kids, thus proving that human personality traits overcome even the worst manipulation, so the kids will all be all right.

We went out for ice cream and walked a bit in the park after the movie, then came home and watched the episode of Billions that we missed last night. After seeing the pizza scene in that episode, we thought about ordering pizza for dinner, but they were already running an hour and a half behind schedule even though the snow hadn't started falling yet. I went for a walk in the neighborhood right as the flakes began, since it wasn't very cold and it smelled good, then we had frozen Morningstar Farms ribs and sweet potato fries and watched Jackie, in which Portman is better than the screenplay and Sarsgaard is all wrong as Bobby Kennedy, but it's interesting enough to be worth the rental. Here are some photos from the Château de Puivert, a Cathar castle besieged by Crusaders; the front sections date from the 14th century, but the rear sections retain the ruins of the older castle.

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