Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Greetings from Hanover

We said goodbye to Paul's mother on Wednesday. The funeral service was officiated by the senior pastor at St. Matthew's and the visitation pastor, a longtime friend of my father-in-law, and included a reading that I suggested (Proverbs 31, which is quite common at Jewish women's funerals but apparently less so at Lutheran ones), plus remembrances by Paul and his brother Jon. There was a short service at the cemetery, then a reception and luncheon back at the church. 

We went back to our hotel rooms for a while to change our clothes and let Paul's father take a nap, then we met up again at his senior living community and discovered that unfortunately we couldn't make a Roku work with the wifi in the facility. Eventually we went out to dinner at Blue Koi, which did a great job accommodating a party of 10. We took a short walk near the hotel and now we're hanging out with our kids, with whom we just saw the end of the Mets-Nationals game.

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2024-09-18 12.28.22

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2024-09-18 17.59.55

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