Sunday, September 15, 2024

Greetings from St. Matthew's

We spent nearly all day Sunday with Paul's father, who is holding up remarkably well under the circumstances -- he's very sad and nostalgic, but he's eating and sleeping all right, he's keeping his sense of humor, and he had a lot to contribute when, after a morning weekly church service at stunning St. Matthew's, we met with the pastor who'll be officiating at the funeral on Wednesday to make sure she knew his wishes, which his aphasia sometimes prevents him from expressing. After the meeting, we went out to lunch at his favorite local restaurant, Blue Koi, for Thai food.

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2024-09-15 11.47.30

2024-09-15 10.21.13

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2024-09-15 11.49.56 

We stopped at the hotel to change out of church clothes while Clair took a nap. There was football on the television at his place all afternoon, but I don't know who won. We spent the afternoon looking at old family photos, uploading some pics for a video slideshow, and going through some of Cinda's belongings. I asked whether I could wear her turquoise necklace, since we share that birthstone, to the funeral, so I have it here now. We weren't very hungry for dinner, so we picked up yogurt and snacks at a convenience store, and now we're watching the Emmys.

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