Monday, September 09, 2024

Placeholder for Sunday

We lost Paul's mom on Saturday morning. She had had congestive heart failure nearly a decade ago and was suffering from some form of dementia -- we could never get a straight answer about whether it was Alzheimer's-related or a result of limited oxygen to her brain from the heart issues, and since her own mother had suffered from something similar, Paul's mother said she never wanted to know if it was Alzheimer's. So I have the odd feeling of missing her and also feel like I've been missing her for several years now; the last two times I saw her, she had no idea who I was, even though I'd known her for nearly 40 years. 

I have been extremely fortunate in my choice of in-laws. Paul's mother was a big part of our lives and our kids' lives, and was very important both to her extended family and to the many friends and former parishioners with whom she kept in touch from the years they were living and touring in an RV. So we had a complicated, emotional weekend that at least included talking to a lot of family. On Sunday we took it easy, went to the Original Pancake House with Daniel and Cahaya, and walked around Redmond Town Center and one of the local parks. Our neighbors just brought us chrysanthemums and a card, which was lovely. 

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2024-09-07 adam haley farm 1

2024-09-08 cinda

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