Friday, May 24, 2024

Poem for Thursday and Top It Titanic

The Titanic 
By Aleister Crowley 

Forth flashed the serpent streak of steel,
Consummate crown of man's device;
Down crashed upon an immobile
And brainless barrier of ice.
The grey gods shoot a laughing lip: -
Let not faith founder with the ship!

We reel before the blows of fate;
Our stout souls stagger at the shock.
Oh! there is Something ultimate
Fixed faster than the living rock.
Catastrophe beyond belief
Harden our hearts to fear and grief!

The gods upon the Titans shower
Their high intolerable scorn;
But no god knoweth in what hour
A new Prometheus may be born.
Man to his doom goes driving down;
A crown of thorns is still a crown!      

No power of nature shall withstand
At last the spirit of mankind:
It is not built upon the sand;
It is not wastrel to the wind.
Disaster and destruction tend
To taller triumph in the end.


I did morning chores while watching the Mariners play the Yankees, a game that started at 9:30 in the morning on this coast...unfortunately, the Mariners didn't score a single run, though at least the Orioles beat the White Sox much later in the day on an infield fly rule interference call that I still don't understand. We went out at lunchtime to get Blazing Bagels and some things at Whole Foods, came home to get some work done, then walked to the park and out on the dock, where the turtles were celebrating World Turtle Day and the ducklings were following their mom. 

I talked to most of my Thursday night chat group (one was traveling), then we watched this week's two episodes of Hacks, which were excellent, as this whole season has been. Now we're watching X-Men '97, in which Magneto is extremely hot and the world is unfortunately familiar. These are pictures from the windows of Top It Yogurt Shoppe in Snohomish, replicas of the stained glass windows in the first class smoking room aboard the RMS Titanic, which also has a full size replica of the largest recovered part of the ship's hull and some display artifacts from the ship and salvage:

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