Saturday, June 29, 2024

Greetings from Green Lake

I had a very nice, social Friday, starting after morning chores with Adam, who had an eye doctor appointment in Redmond and met us afterward at Kitanda, where he bought us lunch and we caught up on his plans for moving to Ohio by the middle of August, when he and Haley will both be starting new jobs. I stopped at the Bath and Body Works sale for wallflower scents before we headed home. 

In the afternoon, we drove to Green Lake to meet our friends Kris and Josh, with whom we walked by the lake to Chocolati, then went to dinner at Mykonos. We hadn't seen them for a year, so we were excited they were in town from Oregon. We had thought we might stop by to see Daniel while we were in the neighborhood, but he had an insane work day and didn't get back till we were done with dinner. 

We walked by the lake some more after sharing mezze including hummus, tyrokafteri, melitzanasalata, saganaki, skordalia, feta and Greek potatoes, horiatiki salata, and fried zucchini with tzatziki, all of which was delicious. Then we said goodnight and came home, where we're watching the rest of the third season of The Bear, which I think has been a bit less intense than the third season but still great. 

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