Sunday, June 30, 2024

Greetings from Evans Creek Preserve

Saturday was a gorgeous, not-too-hot day in the Seattle area! We had a quiet morning reading and doing boring stuff, then we ate lunch and went to Evans Creek Preserve to hike in the trees and along the meadow trail in view of the Cascades. There was almost nobody around and it smelled great in the woods. 

2024-06-29 14.02.26

2024-06-29 14.08.05

2024-06-29 14.15.22

2024-06-29 14.42.43

2024-06-29 14.11.48

2024-06-29 14.23.07

2024-06-29 14.35.51 

Before we came home, we stopped at Kohl's to return both Kohl's stuff and Amazon packages, since Kohl's ships them back. The wait times were ridiculous, but I had a bunch of coupons and Kohl's cash expiring on the 30th, so I wound up getting a $90 jacket for about $15, which always feels like an accomplishment. 

We watched most of the Orioles win over the Rangers, which was very enjoyable, and a bit of the Mariners game (ultimately a loss) before we started watching the insane historical Tudor fantasy My Lady Jane, which is crazy and hilarious and has Anna Chancellor scheming all over the place so I am enjoying it enormously!

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