Monday, July 01, 2024

Greetings from Discovery Park

Sunday was more overcast than Saturday, but still gorgeous and not too hot. We went out early for a Sunday to Discovery Park, where we hiked the three-mile loop down to the beach and back, bringing a picnic for lunch. Because it wasn't warm enough to swim in the Sound, the parking lot wasn't crowded and neither were the trails. The tide was in, so we didn't see starfish or anemones, but we saw some crabs, shrimp, and clams (many eaten by seagulls and eagles, who were flying over the beach) and a variety of sailboats, cargo ships, and paddleboarders.

2024-06-30 12.04.53

2024-06-30 11.30.15A

2024-06-30 11.31.26

2024-06-30 12.29.42

2024-06-30 12.38.45

2024-06-30 12.04.17

2024-06-30 12.29.34 

We stopped at Safeway on the way home for provisions, then watched most of the Orioles loss to the Rangers around chores and a walk on the dock. We just finished watching the season finale of Interview with the Vampire, which was emotional and intense and did a great job integrating material from the later Vampire Chronicles that Anne Rice hadn't written yet by the end of the first one. Now we're watching Orphan Black: Echoes, which is clearly trying to incorporate characters and actors from the original but it's too soon for me to tell if it's really working.

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