Thursday, August 29, 2024

Poem for Wednesday and Bellevue Glass

Indian Cooking 
By Moniza Alvi 

The bottom of the pan was a palette–
paprika, cayenne, dhania
haldi, heaped like powder-paints.

Melted ghee made lakes, golden rivers.
The keema frying, my mother waited
for the fat to bubble to the surface.

Friends bought silver-leaf.
I dropped it on khir–
special rice pudding for parties.

I tasted the landscape, customs
of my father's country–
its fever on biting a chilli.


Wednesday was a bit warmer, but still a lovely day. I chatted with Hildy and Kay in the morning, then Asurion came to repair the front glass on my new phone, which arrived with what I thought was a tiny distortion but turned into a larger crack -- at least now it's fixed! After that and lunch, I watched the second half of Deadpool 2 with Kristen and Laurie, and walked to the park with Paul. 

Kay's son was talking about Indian food when I was on chat with them, so I convinced Paul to get Kanishka paneer and veg for dinner with naan and gulab jamun, which was delicious. We watched the excellent end of the Yankees game followed by the unfortunate end of the Orioles game, and now we're watching the third episode of Ridley. Glass at Art at the Garden from Bellevue Botanical Garden:

2024-08-25 13.35.08

2024-08-25 13.14.13

2024-08-25 13.14.40

2024-08-25 12.36.17

2024-08-25 13.16.35

2024-08-25 12.33.38

2024-08-25 12.27.11

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